Reflection on the perpetuity of brain activity, the perpetual movement of the gif format, and the perpetual search for ideas. The title choice”ain’t no rest for the wicked” is an analogy for the creator as slave of his duty, contrasting the divinity in creativity with the origin of the title as a biblical quote, meaning the evil-doers will face eternal punishment. The “wicked” are doomed to create.
Ain't no rest for the wicked

Rain for the Brain
Analogy of linguistic symbols as water for the brain, allowing it to grow and blossom in a nurturing way. This tribute to written language is used to portray the fact that this is the main tool our brain uses to develop, organise, analyse, and present ideas through time.
Butterfly Effect
“.. something as small as the flutter of a butterfly’s wing, can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world”. Reflecting on how a single idea can unleash a train of thought, expanding through infinite associations in the fields of interpretation. Ideas, like dreams, show themselves in our minds and disappear ; so we chase after them, fighting the censorship of the psychical resistance and repression, both social and individual. We observe, deduce, experience, mature and conclude. Knowledge and understanding could be the typhoon of one single original idea halfway across the world.